
First ever mixed startup financing

What is LABACA Accelerator

Office Space for portfolio companies and projects in Riga, Latvia and Sunnyvale, California;
Competence centre for domains like UI and UX development, real-time applications, Social activity stream software, Big-data applications;
Place where host your development and applications: Data Center and hosting;
Launching platform for A and B series Venture Capital in Silicon Valley;
Place for companies funded by LABACA Venture Capital Fund;

Mixed Financing

Financing is the largest problem to launch Internet and software projects. It is hard to get angel or VC money and valuations are really low.
Usually projects DO NOT NEED only money to be launched. There is a need for products and services, which cost money. LABACA Accelerator provides mix from conventional currency from LABACA Venture Capital fund and community currency from LABACA accelerator community members.

Tip To get some idea how community currency works look at WIR: Swiss local currency for business to business transactions based on mutual credit: View details »

Business Development

Internet and software projects usually born by programmer teams which lack knowledge how to market, launch and sell their staff.
LABACA Accelerator appoint Business Development experts for its projects and companies

Working Space

Internet technology projects and software development team might start remotely. But at the end every project require close teamwork and eye-to-eye development meetings and co-working.
Every Accelerator company get 20m2 furnitured private working space

Expertise domains and Labs

Inside LABACA Accelerator exists different virtual knowledge domains joining leading experts from community companies. The joined team of particular domain come together to help community newcomers and existing members to solve particular problems, brainstorm best solutions, as well as to outsource services, in order to earn additional cash. Examples of expertise domains are:

  • UI UX design;
  • Web and app graphics;
  • Web application security;
  • Big Data and load balancing solutions;
  • Network security, firewalls, VPNs;
  • Web project PR and marketing strategies, product launches;
  • Social community building;
  • SEO optimization;

Education, knowledge sharing

Depending on expertise domains, educational classes for community and outside participants are available